Archived Old Jobs Posted by Michelle You International Headhunting Firm

Visit current job listings on the home page. 

The following are the archives of our old jobs posted online here by our executive search firm for our clients (big tech companies and startups in the US and China). It will help you know more about Michelle You's background in international headhunting in high tech industry. 

Archived Full List of Job Postings by Michelle You International Headhunting Firm

Over the years, we have migrated our executive recruiting website for a few times, and eventually settled down here with our current hosting service provider Blogger which was why the earliest post was published here at the end of 2013 on, and some information might have lost during the processes.   

The links to the FAQ page for our recruiting services on each job posting are broken due to the website's migration from a very different web hosting service. We list the FAQ page and other related pages below for your reference. 

Archived Pages for Michelle You's Recruiting Services: 

Archive of Jobs by Labels on the Job Postings

Archived List of Old Job Postings: 

(Sorted chronologically beginning from the earliest job posting)

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