
Showing posts from January, 2015

Brand Marketing Director (Beijing, Start-up, Mobile Apps, Bilingual)

Job Description: Note: The exact title may subject to change depending on the qualification of the candidate, may be Director, Senior Director, or Vice President (VP) JOB SUMMARY: The Brand Marketing Director is a key strategic leadership role and will be our brand champion within and outside of the company. This leader will drive our overall brand strategy & vision, advance brand awareness and identify new opportunities to maximize the awareness of our brand. This Director will lead the strategic development and execution of brand marketing for and

Senior IOS Developer (Beijing, Start-up)

We're hiring a Senior IOS Developer & Senior Android Developer in Beijing, China for a fast growing start-up: Job Description: Responsibilities: 1. Develop and deploy iOS based applications using Objective-C/Cocoa/Swift. 2. Work closely with Ux Design Team and Marketing Team to design, develop and test. 3. Interface with remote and distributed data sources and APIs. 4. Troubleshoot, optimize and performance tune. 5. Respect of industry-accepted standards, and best practices, ability to work

Senior Android Developer (Beijing, Start-up)

We're hiring a Senior Android Developer & a Senior iOS Developer for a fast growing start-up in Beijing, China: Job Description: 岗位职责 1.参与Android客户端项目的开发工作。 2.参与客户端产品的技术实现讨论,框架设计。 3.参与Android客户端的代码实现和代码(逻辑)Review。 4.按照开发流程编写相应模块的设计文档。 5.快速的查找定位和修正程序的Bug。

Co-founder in Marketing & General Manager of Healthcare IT (Bay Area or Remote)

Job Description: • Job Title: Co-founder in Marketing & General Manager of Healthcare IT Unit • Job Industry: Healthcare IT, Cloud Storage, Marketing, Sales, Clinics, Hospitals, USA Market • Job Location: San Francisco Bay Area (preferred), or Remotely anywhere in the US • Job Type: Full-Time • Compensation: competitive, base on performance, with generous stock options as a co-founder • English: Native proficiency, strong communication skills • No Bilingual Requirement. Summary: 


职位描述 职位: 品牌市场总监 (头衔可以依据候选人的资格和能力而上下调整) 部门: 运营部 地点:北京 职位综述: 品牌市场总监的职位是一个非常关键的决策性领导职位。无论在公司内外都将成为公司的品牌先锋。将会把握公司整个的品牌策略和市场愿景。能够发现并抓住新机遇最大程度提升品牌的知名度。 这个职位将要主导品牌市场的战略发展和执行,具备成熟的领导力和敏锐的市场洞察力,确保市场战略计划能得到用户的高度认同。并需要和外部团队建立合作关系,创造良好的沟通渠道,发展广告平台以实现最大的商业价值。作为一个创业公司的主管可能需要同时担负多个市场运营的职责包括个人以及团队管理。 具体职责:


上海招聘:高级网站运营经理 职位名称: 高级运营经理 招聘对象: 全职 工作地区: 上海市 岗位类别: 网站运营经理/主管 招聘人数: 1 月薪: 不限 职位描述: 对后台运营系统、流程需求进行描述,整理及优化;


北京初创公司招聘:高级产品经理 任职资格: 1、 对互联网、移动互联网产品具有浓厚乃至狂热的兴趣; 2、 有移动端(移动web、app)、互联网、移动互联网产品经验,熟悉各类移动设备交互特性。有社交型APP产品设计工作经历;具备IOS和安卓应用产品设计经验; 3、 对需求分析、产品定义、交互逻辑等有较深的理解;能够不断地改良、调整产品的表现形式; 4、 沟通协调能力强,抗压能力强;拥有较好的沟通技巧及团队合作精神,极强的责任感及进取精神,保证产品设计的理念被良好的贯彻执行;

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